In 2012 begins the project known as KUBORAUM, otherwise described as “imagined in Berlin,
handcrafted in Italy”, because it is in the creative Berlin-based ambience in which the Italian
artisan tradition is applied. Retro and futuristic have never been so beautifuly mixed together.
Kuboraum eyeglasses and sunglasses, bold and unconventional, are equally named “masks”
because they highlight and express the personality of the wearer, simultaneously shelter and home
of the expressive freedom. A “cubic space” where we feel free to reveal all the traits of our
It is exactly the birth concept of Kuboraum, whoever wears the brand feels just at ease with
himself and with the world that surrounds him, the mask is just a way of expressing his innermost
A whimsical profile where the artistry,the research and the uniqueness emerge. Many faces get
enlightened when wearing Kuboraum glasses.
Explosive, eccentric and exclusive but never overbearing.
Bottega di Sguardi in Florence, Italy, is among the few resellers of the sophisticated italian-Berlin
based brand, Kuboraum. At our optical boutique in Florence, as on our online shop, you can buy
the best sellection of Kuboraum eyewear.